If your growing children are going to be hitting the slopes more than a handful of times per season, then our seasonal leasing program is the perfect solution. Watching your kids improve every year is awesome, and not having to purchase new equipment every year is even better! At Phil’s we offer new top-of-the-line gear for your kids that can be kept for the full length of the season, then simply returned when you’re done. You can keep the gear at home and have unlimited size exchanges throughout the season (depending on availability of course).
We specialize in quality service: if you feel the fit is not to your child’s liking, we are happy to trade your kids up (or down) to the right size, with no charge, throughout the winter season. Ski and snowboard trades may be made throughout the season as well; however the later in the season it becomes, equipment selection will become much more limited.
The best new and premium-used gear is available at the beginning of each season! Please remember the sooner you swing by the shop, the better your options for equipment will be. We search high and low to find used junior equipment so that we might ensure a sufficient amount per season, but also bring in ample amounts of great new kids packages as well. Just remember..we begin our seasonal lease program October 1st. Get in early to ensure you get the best equipment!
- A seasonal lease is less expensive than buying equipment for your kids each season.
- A seasonal lease is much more affordable than renting daily depending upon how many times you use the equipment during the season.
- No rental lines at the resort!
- You can exchange equipment throughout the season, as your children grow, no extra charge! (depending on availability)
- Each package is completely customizable for every price point in between to fit your budget and your needs.
- Your kids will be stoked!